Pontiac Preservation Association Sponsors

Sponsorships are an important component of the Pontiac Preservation Association's funding and outreach strategy. Aligning your brand or corporation with the Pontiac Preservation Association offers exciting opportunities to actually impact your bottom line. The Pontiac Preservation Association takes great pride in working with you to develop strategic, results-oriented sponsorship programs that directly support your marketing, branding, and sales needs.

The Pontiac Preservation Association develops customized sponsorship solutions that range from event coordination and naming, charitable causes, educational events, client hospitality, and promotion development.

Please Support Us. Visit our GoFundMe page to make a donation.

Our Sponsors

Our Mission At The PPA

The mission of the Pontiac Preservation Association is to provide a vehicle for all clubs, associations, individual hobbyists, web sites and groups, parts manufacturers, parts businesses, restoration shops, car dealers, event promoters, publishers-everyone associated with the Pontiac automobile to come together for the express purpose of better coordinating all energies and resources to preserve and promote the Pontiac hobby and to improve the Pontiac industry for the betterment of all involved.