Preserving History. Honoring Excellence.

The PPA Hall of Fame is an independent, non-profit educational institution dedicated to preserving an appreciation of the historical development of the Pontiac hobby and its impact on the industry by preserving the memory of those who have made outstanding contributions.

The Hall of Fame's mission is to preserve Pontiac's history, honor excellence within, and make a connection between the generations of people who enjoy these classic cars. Induction into the PPA Hall of Fame is reserved for those who have made a significant impact on the Pontiac automobile as well as the hobby itself.

For 2024, 2 nominees from both catagories will be inducted into the Hall of Fame.

If you wish to participate in the online induction election, please visit our "Contact" page and send us an email saying so. You do not have to sign up every year to vote. If you have voted in previous elections then we already have your information on file and you will be automatically added to the voting list.

Hall of Fame Award

2025 7th Annual Nominees

We are currently accepting nominations for the 2025 election!

Send us an email through the "Contact" page and let us know who you want to nominate.

Full Biographies

Our Mission At The PPA

The mission of the Pontiac Preservation Association is to provide a vehicle for all clubs, associations, individual hobbyists, web sites and groups, parts manufacturers, parts businesses, restoration shops, car dealers, event promoters, publishers-everyone associated with the Pontiac automobile to come together for the express purpose of better coordinating all energies and resources to preserve and promote the Pontiac hobby and to improve the Pontiac industry for the betterment of all involved.